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Privacy Policy

At 'watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/' we know that the privacy of our readers/users/advertisers is important, so the "Privacy Policy" of 'watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/' is used so that readers/users / Blog advertisers know how we collect, store or use the information we collect through the different services offered and/or pages available on our Blog.

Thank you for reading our privacy policy to learn more about how we handle information, including what type of data we collect, how we use it, and for what purpose, to whom we provide it and what we do to protect your personal information. We also recommend keeping Google's Privacy Policies in mind, since indirectly access to ‘watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/’ implies acceptance of them, in all their terms and conditions.

one. Right of information:

The purpose of this file is to provide the ‘watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/’ Newsletter by email to its subscribers.

The data file is registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection according to current regulations.

two. Other aspects of privacy:

- If you use the comments on ‘watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/’, you must bear in mind that any information you post will be available to the rest of the readers/users/advertisers. The distinctive personal information you submit to them may be read, collected, or used by other readers/users/advertisers.

- ‘watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/’ is not responsible for the personal information you decide to publish, it is considered public and not confidential.

- This Blog hosts its own advertising, affiliates, or advertising networks. This advertising is displayed by advertising servers that also use cookies to display advertising content related to users. Each of these advertising servers has its own privacy policy, which can be consulted on its own web pages.

- In some cases, ‘watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/’ shares information about visitors to this Blog anonymously or in aggregate with third parties such as advertisers, sponsors or auditors for the sole purpose of improving our services. All these processing tasks will be regulated according to legal regulations and all your rights regarding data protection will be respected in accordance with current regulations.

3 . Protection of your data:

'Pasión Lujo- Le Blog' maintains the security levels of protection of personal data in accordance with Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, regarding the security measures of automated files that contain personal data, and has established all the technical means at your disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data that the user provides through the Blog, without prejudice to inform you that the security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

'watchyouhealth.blogspot.com/' undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding the personal data contained in the automated file in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to grant them a secure treatment in the international transfers and transfers of data that, where appropriate, may be produced.

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